A Touch of Spring
by kathyregini |
I am so happy to see the buds & blossoms on the trees and the first signs of Spring. It is uplifting to know winter is almost behind us. I say almost because here in Colorado anything can happen in the next 30 days…snow one day and 70 degrees the next. No matter, I am getting my house ready for Spring. If you don’t know where to start, here are a few simple things to try…
First, remove winter clutter. I know it’s comforting to have cozy throws, a pile of wood by the fireplace, and stacks of books to read on cold wintry days. But Spring is all about open and airy. Put them away for now, along with thick scarves, hats, wool sweaters & gloves. You won’t need them for a while.
Next, clean your windows. Nothing makes a house feel drab like dirty windows. Your rooms will instantly feel brighter & fresher. While you’re at it, open them up and let in the fresh air.
If you have been toying with the idea of painting…paint a single accent wall in a cheerful color you like. This works well if you already have a neutral palette on the walls.
Add a few touches of bright color or white to lighten up your living space. Decorative pillows, lampshades, fresh spring flowers, or maybe a fresh new plant. If you don’t have kids or pets, you might consider a light-colored slip cover for your sofa.
And last..replace heavy window treatments with sheers panels. So pretty when they blow in the breeze!